- 2444
- March 13, 2016
Patches's Memorial
(April 19th, 1999 – February 1st, 2016)
Almost 17 years ago a picture in a pet store captured my heart and lead us to a small farm in Lucan where we found our “baby girl.” We fell in love with your unique look, perfectly divided face and pads of your feet and most of all your sweet loving personality. Today we celebrate you Patch and all that you brought to our lives. Through the eyes of a cat you taught us what true unconditional love is and that the simple things in life bring so much pleasure and joy. From the day we brought you home, you loved chasing your tiny toy mice across the floor, cat nip fresh from the plant and treats! It always worked to use your beautiful green eyes to beg for chicken treats at the pantry. You loved the smell of bacon cooking and listened intently for the spoon hitting the bowl for ice cream you would race to the kitchen every time and sit politely and wait patiently for a few delicious samples. You loved cheese and soon learned that little human friends worked perfect to get as much as you want. You loved your plastic drawer to sleep in and washing your feet in the water dish. Summer was one of your favourite times of year to roll on your back on the patio getting your belly rubbed and sitting by the hot tub waiting to nab the first unsuspecting mouse that ran by. You taught us patience, sitting for hours not wavering you can always catch a mouse if you wait long enough. Christmas was your other most favourite time of year, like a little kid on Christmas morning you couldn’t wait to open your present, a “cat nip” mouse your excitement never changed over the years and you were so happy to enjoy a tuna cake for your birthday. You brought us so much happiness with your gentle squeaks for attention, to scratching the carpet each morning to let us know it was time for your can, to purring so loudly and rubbing your tooth and wet nose on our legs and hands to keep reminding us to not stop petting. This world is but a stepping-stone to a place that knows no pain or suffering and today we release you to a peace that you so well deserve. An eternal calm where your sweetest memories will surround you. Know today that it is with tears of sadness that we say goodbye but also tears of happiness that we have shared this life with you. 8 years ago you lost your soulmate and today you will have the strength to run across the rainbow bridge to be with Beats again. We feel so honoured to be with you as you make this journey. Until we meet again. We love you Patchy.